
  • Tanker vessels calling the United States, that are constructed or adapted to carry oil in bulk as cargo or oil cargo residue, must have a Vessel Response Plan (VRP) approved by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) before the vessel can enter U.S. waters.
  • New VRP approvals can take up to 60 calendar days to be issued by the USCG. Vessel additions to an existing plan can take up to 30 calendar days. Currently, the USCG approval time is approximately 21 calendar days.
  • Tanker vessels attempting to enter U.S. waters without an approved VRP can apply for a VRP One Time Waiver or remain out of port until the VRP approval is issued.
  • 米国の可航水域を利用する300GTを超える船舶、もしくは総トン数に関わらず、米国の排他的経済水域 .3`で石油のはしけ作業または積み替えを行う船舶は、米国沿岸警備隊(USCG)/ 国立汚染基金センター(National Pollution Funds Center: NPFC)が発行する COFR(賠償資力証明書)を携行する必要があります。 COFRの発行には最長で21日かかることがあります。 現在、COFRは通常、1~2週間以内に発行されます。
  • Public vessels and non-self-propelled barges that do not carry oil as fuel or cargo and do not carry hazardous substances as cargo do not need to have a federal COFR.
  • The ICP is a combination of both the VRP (Federal) and the CCP (California state) and therefore all requirements for both the VRP and CCP are met by using this one manual.
  • Tanker vessels calling the state of California must submit a California Contingency Plan (CCP) to California’s Office of Spill Prevention and Response(CA OSPR).
  • Plans must be received by CA OSPR at least 7 calendar days before a vessel’s entry into CA state waters (3 nautical miles).
  • Fines ranging from $2,000 to upwards of $10,000 or more will be issued if a plan has not been submitted at all or is submitted late.
  • Vessels calling the state of California must have a certificate of financial responsibility (CA COFR) from California’s Office of Spill Prevention and Response (CA OSPR).
  • A CA COFR application must be received by CA OSPR at least 10 calendar days before a vessel’s entry into CA state waters (3 nautical miles).
  • A CA COFR application can take 21 calendar days to process. Currently, CA COFRs are usually issued in approximately 1 week or less if ETA exists.
  • Fines ranging from $2,000 to an upwards of $10,000 or more will be issued if a vessel enters CA state waters without a CA COFR.
  • パナマ運河を通過する、400 メトリックトン以上の石油積載容量を持つ船舶は、パナマ運河庁(ACP)に PCSOPEP を提出する必要があります。
  • PCSOPEPs must be received by the ACP no less than 96 hours before the vessel’s arrival in Panama Canal waters.
  • PCSOPEPが未提出、または期限内に提出されなかった場合には、船舶に罰金が科せられます。 罰金は $2500以上で、船舶の大きさと過去の違反の有無に応じた金額が科せられます。
  • 船舶一般許可(Vessel General Permit: VGP)は、全長79フィート以上の非軍用および非娯楽用船舶の通常の運航に付随する排出を全国的に許可する、水質浄化法(Clean Water Act)による国家汚染物質排出除去システム(National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System:NPDES)の許可です。
  • Gallagher Marine SystemsのVGPコンプライアンスシステムは、既存のSMSまたはICCPシステムを補完することを目的としています。
  • Gallagher Marine SystemsのVGPコンプライアンスマニュアルの使用は必須ではありませんが、NPDES VGPへの準拠は必須です。
  • The Clean Water Act NPDES regulations require that each point source, e.g. vessel, seeking to discharge pollutants to the waters of the U.S. must obtain a permit under the NPDES program and be compliant with those limitations and requirements.
  • Any vessel that meets the conditions requiring submission of an NOI must file its own NOI seeking coverage under the general permit.
  • An Alternative Planning Criteria (APC) approval is required for tanker vessels calling Alaska, Guam, Saipan, or American Samoa. APC approval is also required for tanker vessels transiting through the waters of the Alaska, Guam, and America Samoa while going to or from a U.S. port.
  • In remote areas of the U.S., where OSRO (Oil Spill Removal Organization) resources necessary to respond to a WCD (Worst Case Discharge) are not available or do not exist, a vessel needs to obtain coverage from a local OSRO, and show proof of coverage to USCG HQ (Headquarters) and/or the local USCG through the APC request process.
  • Remote area OSRO coverage can take anywhere from 1 to 10 business days to arrange. Additionally, the USCG can take anywhere from 5 to 90 calendar days to review and approve APC requests.
  • 一回限りの権利放棄書(One Time Waiver: OTW)の要請をAPC要請と同時に提出することができ、それによってAPCの承認を待つ間に遠隔地域への貨物運搬または通過が許可される場合もあります。
  • Tank vessels calling a port in Alaska are required to have an AK Plan and an AK COFR (Alaska Certificate of Financial Responsibility).
  • Tank vessels are usually temporarily added to the existing AK plan and AK COFR of the Alaska terminal/facility that they are calling.
  • The addition of a tank vessel to the terminal/facility’s plan is usually done automatically by the terminal/facility.


  • Nontank self-propelled vessels that are larger than 400 GT and are calling the United States must have a Nontank Vessel Response Plan (NTVRP) approved by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) before the vessel can enter U.S. waters.
  • New Nontank approvals can take up to 60 calendar days to be issued by the USCG. Vessel additions to an existing plan can take up to 30 calendar days. Currently, the USCG approval time is approximately 21 calendar days.
  • Nontank vessels attempting to enter U.S. waters without an approved NTVRP can apply for a NTVRP One Time Waiver or remain out of port until the NTVRP approval is issued.
  • 米国の可航水域を利用する300GTを超える船舶、もしくは総トン数に関わらず、米国の排他的経済水域 .3`で石油のはしけ作業または積み替えを行う船舶は、米国沿岸警備隊(USCG)/ 国立汚染基金センター(National Pollution Funds Center: NPFC)が発行する COFR(賠償資力証明書)を携行する必要があります。 COFRの発行には最長で21日かかることがあります。 現在、COFRは通常、1~2週間以内に発行されます。
  • Public vessels and non-self-propelled barges that do not carry oil as fuel or cargo and do not carry hazardous substances as cargo do not need to have a federal COFR.
  • Nontank vessels that are over 300 GT and are calling the state of California must submit a California Nontank Contingency Plan (CANT) to California’s Office of Spill Prevention and Response (CA OSPR).
  • Plans must be received by CA OSPR at least 7 calendar days before a vessel’s entry into CA state waters (3 nautical miles).
  • Fines ranging from $2,000 to an upwards of $10,000 or more will be issued if a plan has not been submitted at all or is submitted late.
  • Vessels calling the state of California must have a certificate of financial responsibility (CA COFR) from California’s Office of Spill Prevention and Response (CA OSPR).
  • A CA COFR application must be received by CA OSPR at least 10 calendar days before a vessel’s entry into CA state waters (3 nautical miles).
  • A CA COFR application can take 21 calendar days to process. Currently, CA COFRs are usually issued in approximately 1 week or less if ETA exists.
  • Fines ranging from $2,000 to an upwards of $10,000 or more will be issued if a vessel enters CA state waters without a CA COFR.
  • パナマ運河を通過する、400 メトリックトン以上の石油積載容量を持つ船舶は、パナマ運河庁(ACP)に PCSOPEP を提出する必要があります。
  • PCSOPEPs must be received by the ACP no less than 96 hours before the vessel’s arrival in Panama Canal waters.
  • PCSOPEPが未提出、または期限内に提出されなかった場合には、船舶に罰金が科せられます。 罰金は $2500以上で、船舶の大きさと過去の違反の有無に応じた金額が科せられます。
  • 船舶一般許可(Vessel General Permit: VGP)は、全長79フィート以上の非軍用および非娯楽用船舶の通常の運航に付随する排出を全国的に許可する、水質浄化法(Clean Water Act)による国家汚染物質排出除去システム(National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System:NPDES)の許可です。
  • Gallagher Marine SystemsのVGPコンプライアンスシステムは、既存のSMSまたはICCPシステムを補完することを目的としています。
  • Gallagher Marine SystemsのVGPコンプライアンスマニュアルの使用は必須ではありませんが、NPDES VGPへの準拠は必須です。
  • The Clean Water Act NPDES regulations require that each point source, e.g. vessel, seeking to discharge pollutants to the waters of the U.S. must obtain a permit under the NPDES program and be compliant with those limitations and requirements.
  • Any vessel that meets the conditions requiring submission of an NOI must file its own NOI seeking coverage under the general permit.
  • 通過以外の目的でアラスカ州海域にいる400GTを超えるタンク以外の船舶は、アラスカ環境保護局(Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation: ADEまたはAK DEC)によって承認されたノンタンカー船舶ストリームラインド計画書(Nontank Vessel Streamlined Plan)を携行する必要があります。
  • 船舶がアラスカ州海域に入域する少なくとも5営業日前までに、ADECは計画書を受領する必要があります。提出が遅延する場合は、遅延理由を明記した説明書を添える必要があります。
  • 承認済みプランを携行せずにアラスカ州海域に入域した船舶には、罰金が科せられます。
  • Nontank vessels over 400 GT that are in Alaskan waters for a purpose other than transit must have an AK COFR issued by Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC or AK DEC).
  • 船舶がアラスカ州水域に入域する少なくとも15日前までに ADEC は AK COFR を受領する必要があります。提出が遅延する場合は、遅延理由を明記した説明書を提出する必要があります。
  • Vessels entering Alaska state waters without an AK COFR will be fined.


  • Vessels 150 GT or more, which are trading in international waters, must have an approved SOPEP (Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan).
  • Vessel 150 GT or more, which are carrying noxious liquid substances (NLS) in bulk and trading in international waters, must have an approved SMPEP (Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan.)
  • For U.S.-flagged vessels, the USCG can take up to 90 calendar days to issue approvals for new SOPEP/SMPEPs. Approvals for vessel additions to existing SOPEP/SMPEPs can take up to 30 calendar days. Currently, the USCG approval time is approximately 21 calendar days.